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  • W. Bradford Paley uses computers to create visual displays with the goal of making readable, clear, and engaging expressions of complex data. His visual representations are inspired by the calm, richly layered information in natural scenes. His
  • For about 10 years Tim Otto Roth has worked on the photogram and belongs now to the few leading adepts of that medial outlaw. He studied among others with Floris M. Neusüss, whose anthological work he continues in the new form of the portal
  • To enhance his performances, presented between 1980 and 1982 in Rio de Janeiro and in other Brazilian states, Kac started to produce visual texts, small sculptures, graffiti, and other kinds of images and objects. After the conclusion in 1982 of his
  • BIO Warren Sack is a software designer and media theorist whose work explores theories and designs for online public space and public discussion. He is Associate Professor of Film and Digital Media; affiliated faculty with the Computer
  • Mario Santamaría is a visual artist who works across a wide range of media, frequently using photography, video, performance, websites and online interventions. In recent years his work seeks to embody protocols and processes of information
  • Visitors inhabit a dome-space where they move, communicate and interplay with performers. An experience of audience participation and multi-user interaction. Home to layers of performance, image, sound, text and interactivity, the dome space
  • Series of 3D prints in polymer additive plaster, highlighting the interrelation between real objects and their 3D virtual counterparts. The 3D print "Inevitable Beauty" is subjected to a temporal maelstrom in its fabrication, while "Compulsive
  • The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an anatomical theater where humans are enveloped by a swarm of inorganic beings. Graphical entities with their own behavioral code. A show for two dancers and digital particles,
  • Part of an emerging generation of new media artists, Shirley Shor employs technological processes in the service of larger issues related to human experience and fine art. Shor creates real-time computer generated installations, and environments
  • Joel Slayton is an artist, writer and theoretician. He is currently Professor of Digital Media Art at San Jose State University, where he serves as Director of the CADRE Institute, an interdisciplinary academic research center. Mr. Slayton is the