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  • ... technique of classical oil painting. However, by combining it with digital art and... about glitches in machines and digital systems she creates poetic experiences that...
  • ...Sims, Karl. Interactive Evolution of Dynamical Systems In Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems:...
  • ...Stone, Allucquére Rosanne. Virtual Systems In Zone 6: Incorporations, edited by Jonathan Crary and...
  • ... and online spaces in order to understand how they affect and reflect culture. She is also... of the computer program or game to create systems which interrogate seemingly mundane...
  • ... the use of networked technology in how we perceive and connect to nature. Julie’s... Julie Freeman works with natural systems and emergent technologies. Her large scale installations and...
  • ...ound and visual artist, with a degree in information systems, works in art and technology integrating...
  • ... Canada: International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 2003.
  • ...Obtulowicz, Adam. Multigraphical Membrane Systems Revisited In Conference Proceedings for International...
  • ...Luksch Manu/Patel Mukul. Ambient Information Systems. London: ambient.publishing, 2009.
  • ... living organisms and ecosystems and how they may be processed through technology with... Jakob von Uexkull and Thomas Seboek in as much as it aimed to find how signs, symbols and... work was concerned with the information systems contained within living organisms and...