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  • Digital Art Space -
    Event: Digital Art SpaceInstitution: Digital Art SpaceComment:
  • Digital Art Space -
    Director Karin Wimmer
  • [spaces] -
    [spaces]Artist: Mark NapierComment:
  • Supermassive - video
    Real time manipulation in virtual spaces.
  • Grau, Oliver. Immersion and Interaction. From circular frescoes to interactive image spaces”. [].
  • (*1982 in Teheran, Iran) is a Ph.D. student at the DFG graduate program »Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces« and a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the University of Konstanz. Her research focuses on
  • Filmmaker, visual artist and curator, working with video, photography, installation and commissions for public spaces. Her work focuses on the relation of cinema and New Media with an emphasis on notions of identity, representation and (feminist)
  • Zapp, Andrea. Networked Narrative Environments as Imaginary Spaces of Being. Manchester, Liverpool: Manchester Metropolitan University and Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, FACT, 2004.