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Anders, Peter. Anthropic Cyberspace: Defining Electronic Space from First Principles Leonardo 34, no. 5 (2001): 409-416.
Lamm, Bettina. Explorative Space: Spatial Expression and Experience in Gardens and in VR Works Virtual Space: Spatiality in Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds (2002): 215-237.
Davies, Char. Changing Space: Virtual Reality as an Arena of Embodied Being In Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality, edited by Randall Packer and Ken Jordan, 293-300. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2002.
Davies, Char. Osmose: Notes on Being in Immersive Virtual Space In Digital Creativity, edited by Colin Beardon and Lone et. al. MalmborgVol.9. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, 1998.
Davies, Char. Osmose: Notes on Being in Immersive Virtual Space In Digital Creativity: A Reader, edited by Colin Beardon and Lone Malmborg, 101-110. Lisse: Swets and Zeitlinger Publishers, 2002.
Davies, Char. Changing Space: Virtual Reality as an Arena of Being In The Virtual Dimension: Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture, edited by John Beckmann, 144-155. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1998.
Davies, Char. Ephémère: Landscape, Earth, Body, and Time in Immersive Virtual Space In Reframing Consciousness, edited by Roy Ascott, 196-201. Portland: Exeter, 1998.
Waelder, Pau. White Cube Augmented: AR Art and the Gallery Space etc Magazine (October 2012 - February 2013): 53-57.
Michael Connor. The new normal. New York City: Independent Curators International/Artists Space, 2008.
Nils Jean. ‘Totes Haus Ur or the Dislocation of Intimate Space’ Mute Magazine (October 2010).