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  • ...Artist: Andy BuchananComment:
  • ... the body presence and location as variables for... that we can discover meaningful sound patterns in...
  • ... reconfigured (somewhat like a cocktail party or... computer terminals and workstations, ranging... to communicate meaningful information to its...
  • Lastwishes -
    ... this channel", date and time. Listening but not... say something tuly meanngful, chattin is...
  • We Need Us -
    What is the meaning of data beyond its value-laden content?... of sounds and animated forms. Unlike... What is the meaning of data beyond its value-laden content?...
    ...HOHCE is a project for a singer and a machine generating... the lyrics that seem meaningful to him and...
  • Perfume Organ -
    ... between musical and olfactory compositions.... organ represents a meaningful analogy between...
  • ... the same time all, what happens with habitants... then another and in the same time all,... to the information meaningful: a house as a...
    ... an ironic hint to what is not shown, however... not readily obvious. Does the projection come from... tableaux vivants and animated images, between... and recognised as meaningful gestures: "If what...