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  • Jan-Peter E.R. Sonntag & N-solab 1965 in Lübeck, Deutschland Club Transmediale 2008 sonArc::project, Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, ISBN (13)978-3-931659-97 Auszeichnungen (Auswahl) [Bearbeiten] 2008 CYNETart-Award 08 2008 Deutscher
  • Uršula Berlot, (b. Ljubljana, 1973) studied philosophy at the Faculty of Arts for two years, then painting at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana, and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris. She received her PhD in
  • Hershman, Lynn. Romancing the Antibody Kunstforum International 132 (November - January 1996): 158-167.
  • Taken -
    transmediale.07 with its theme "unfish!" analyses the artistic processes open for variation and reversion of choices once made. The festival has its focus on the point at which fixed things are put into motion again, and asks for the meaning of
  • The exhibition entitled Digital Abstraktionen is on view at the Basel House of Electronic Arts (HeK) in April and May 2016. The exhibition is curated by Alexandra Adler and Reinhard Storz. The project Digital Abstraction explores abstract works of
  • Peter C. Simon is a sound and video artist and curator whose current interests include sound art, field recording, DIY analog instruments and the connections between electroacoustics, extreme music, film and video and leftfield sciences. He holds MA
  • Frieling, Rudolf. Hot Spots - Texte in Bewegung und die elektronischen Medien Kunstforum 133 (1996): 475-477.
  • Rötzer, Florian. Der virtuelle Körper Kunstforum International 133 (1996): 54.
  • Flusser, Vilém. Alle Revolutionen sind technische Revolutionen. Vilém Flusser im Gespräch mit Florian Rötzer Kunstforum International 97 97 (1988): 120-134.
  • Creatures #4 -
    CREATURES #4 6/7/8 May 2016 16:00-21:00 Opening on Friday 6 May 2016 at 16:00 Interactive installation by Pier Giorgio De Pinto @ Keck-Kiosk Klybeckstrasse 1b, Basel Tram Nr.8 - Stop Kaserne All