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  • Solar -
    As I mentioned in a previous entry, I am working on an application to be presented at the V&A Decode exhibition opening in December. I was asked to rework the Solar piece so that it could be audio responsive in real-time. During the development,
  • The PERMANENT exhibition of the Arc de Triomphe conceived and directed by Maurice Benayoun and Christophe Girault, architect, is being dismantled to give place to a souvenir shop. To react to this obscene act of institutional vandalism, Maurice
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    Exploded_Views 2.0 by Marnix de Nijs is a masterpiece. No doubt about it. It is the most beautiful work of interactive media art I have ever seen. But its most peculiar aspect is that neither its beauty nor its meaning reside in the interactivity of
  • Matières sensibles (Sensitive matters) is a serie of sculptures made of very thin and delicate wood veneer sheets. Here the artists use ash wood. These sheets of wood have distinct sonorous touch zones that follow the natural veins of wood. The
  • Temple -
    Media:loudspeakers, amplifiers, telephone number Dimensions:24" x 20" x 20" Description: adaptation of the Delphi "Tholos" Temple Ruin. Electroacoustic Sculpture made of 3000 recycled loudspeakers, amplifiers and radios. Sound: white noise. People
  • E-Cloud
    A dynamic sculpture inspired by the volume and behavior of an idealized cloud. Made from polycarbonate tiles that can fade between transparent and opaque states, its patterns are transformed periodically by real time weather data from around the
  • Sculptures -
    For us humans, who are limited in time and space, time is a one-dimensional affair. We can move only along one axis we define in co-ordinates of "past-present-future". (In this definition, "present" is the origin of our co-ordinate system, "past"
  • Fragments from The Impossible Flying Machine by ERASE C41: "My first sighting happened in 1967, on a trip from (A) to (B). It was a night flight and we had leveled off at our assigned altitude and were approximately 40 Km north of (A). We suddenly
  • Roaming -
    This experimentation starts from appropriation of small chips present inside those mobile phone charms that light up when a call comes in. In a panel, light is literally launched to the invisible radiation that comes from the mobiles and invades our
  • Due to the increasing proliferation of surveillance cameras, we are caught up in an everyday and worldwide “paranoia” of insecurity, what we could call “a society of surveillance”. This project wishes to create a series of “living” robotic cameras