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  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    Exploded_Views 2.0 by Marnix de Nijs is a masterpiece. No doubt about it. It is the most beautiful work of interactive media art I have ever seen. But its most peculiar aspect is that neither its beauty nor its meaning reside in the interactivity of
  • The Big Plot -
    "This is a romantic-spy story rendered into the genre of Recombinant Fiction. Four characters told a fiction using dialogues shown on several media channels. The cloned identity of a real spy was used to portray a story about the political and
  • The Blackest Spot was a five-projector room-sized interactive installation that explored the representation of crowds and the myriad reasons for public gatherings. Animated imagery, ambient crowd sounds, and fragments from well known speeches
  • Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall is a virtual reality (VR) artwork, an interactive 3D computer graphic installation that enables users to experience a section of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital reconstruction of a
  • Liquid Views - video
    LIQUID VIEWS (1992) - TOUCHING THE VIRTUAL SELF Liquid Views explores the concept of self-reflection in a digital pool. Like Narcissus gazing into the water, visitors see themselves, creating ripples with their touch. But here's the twist: the
  • Universal Translator -
    Universal Translator is an interactive sound and video work focussed on the sound hardware of the human body. The interface for this work is a microphone with a micro video camera embedded in its head so that the camera looks directly at the
  • Watched and Measured -
    "Watched and Measured" is a system that observes, tracks and catalogues people walking through the new Wellcome Wing at the Science Museum in London, UK. It explores the some of the ethical questions surrounding surveillance systems: do they invade
  • Shock Absorber -
    In "Shock Absorber" a live feed is taken from broadcast television and separated it into two parts in real time. One part contains all the movements, edits and high frequency visual stimulation. The other part contains everything that is left over
  • The challenges of the infirmity of landscapes in the sense of affective geographies and health care, biodiversity, affectivity and the infirmity and preservation of the landscapes and life of the planet Reengineering of culture The role of social
  • Scientific information from technicians and from the communities are gathered in a database, with geographical information. Participatory Design and Ethnographic Protocols for Visualization specific technologies (emergent systems, model-based