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  • SMART CITY ABC aims to decode a territory that has produced a specialist vocabulary, in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision of the ‘Smart City’ was introduced by some of the largest tech corporations to address population growth,
  • Kayak Libre -
    Kayak Libre provides a temporary experimental infrastructure in the form of a kayak taxi service along the waterways. The fare is a conversation. (Scource:
  • Manu Luksch, founder of Ambient Information Systems (ambientTV.NET,) is filmmaker who works outside the frame. The "moving" image, and in particular the evolution of film in the digital or networked age, has been a core theme of her works.
  • Burnham, Clint. Chapter "Postmodern Aesthetics as Obscene Super-ego: Anxieties of Photography" in Function/fiction : utilitarian images reconfigured – Sylvia Grace Borda, Tacita Dean, Rod Dickinson, Michael Klier, Manu Luksch, Chris Marker, Pavel
  • Luksch Manu. Kayak Libre. London: Manu Luksch, 2016.
  • Luksch Manu/Patel Mukul. Ambient Information Systems. London: ambient.publishing, 2009.
  • This work extends the tradition of panorama painting, photography and cinematography in the vector of simulation and virtual reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual
  • Internetscapes -
    Internetscapes series of Electronic Drawings initially developed as project pages for "Untitled". Web2 Krisenstab (Web2 Crisis Staff) Internetbauanleitung (Internet Construction Manual) Netzitadelle (Internet Citadel) Internetscape
  • PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of panoramic photographic scenes and cinematic events. It utilizes the interaction paradigm first developed in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a
  • Penny, Simon and M. Fernandez. Jeffrey Shaw, a Users manual Sculpture Magazine (November 1998).