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  • Morais, Frederico. Eletrourbs, Eletrogravuras Galeria Sergio Milliet Funarte (1982).
  • Não!
    Event: Não!Institution: Centro Cultural Candido MendesComment:
  • Alp Tuğan works on sociotechnology, generative art, and sonic arts and has participated in various exhibitions and events with his audiovisual projects. Tuğan is also a co-founding member of the live coding duo called RAW (
  • Points of View was a 'theatre of signs' with both stage and protagonists being provided by a three-dimensional computer graphics simulation that was video projected onto a large screen in front of a seated audience. The action of the work was...
  • Points of View II - Babel addressed issues relating to the Falklands War. It was made using the same functional and iconographic structures as Points of View I, but with a differing content.In BABEL hieroglyphs were used to articulate a psychological...
  • La Plissure du Texte -
    La Plissure du TexteArtist: Roy AscottComment:
  • Reflexions - video
    His first interactive sound installation. Construction of some very bulky 8 x 8 pixel video cameras, connected then to a wire-wrapped card in the Apple ][ which digitized the images, and wrote a program for the Apple ][ which controlled a Korg MS-20...
  • Videotape [English title, The dancing and the dead] If YOU, yes YOU, the one I'm addressing, have already photographed corpses and the pried-open skull, that is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer (static...
  • The medium of light transversing a space is the very property that makes space experiential, and therefore 'real'. Julius then might use optical elements such as mirrors and lenses, to add an-other dimension to these physical spaces. Drawing on...
  • Diego Caglioni investigates descriptive borders, anthropological meanings, aesthetical possibilities of the web and of AIs compared with artistic creativity, focusing his interest on video, installations and photography as main characters of his...