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  • Born in 1996 in Bogotá, Colombia. Currently studying Interface cultures master at the University of Art and Design Linz, Austria. He holds a bachelor’s degree in fine arts at the National University in Bogotá, Colombia. His work includes interface
  • Abbado, Adriano. Perceptual Correspondences of Abstract Animation and Synthetic Sound (1988).
  • SoundCloud Gazing -
    Event: SoundCloud GazingInstitution: /rosa (Zentrum für Netzkunst, Panke Gallery)Comment:
  • SoundCulture 96 -
    Event: SoundCulture 96Institution: San Francisco Art InstituteComment:
  • Second Promenade -
    Boissiers Installation "Second Promenade" is based on different meshed media: images, sounds, music, videos and a computerbased text. This hypertext is in a close relationship to the original of Rousseaus Second Promenade and can be read variably by
  • HINEIN (inwards) -
    HINEIN (inwards) is an invitation to travel inside the world of natural microstructures, combining subtle sounds and extreme close-up images of diverse natural surfaces whose microdimensions are not perceived in our daily life. Both visual and
  • Pearlman,Ellen. The Brain As A Reintrpretation Device Sounds, Image, Data-NYU Steinhardt/Goldsmiths/Leonardo (July 2015).
  • Event: Invisible Sounds, Netherlands Media Art Institut, Amsterdam, Holland, curator Annet Dekker Institution: Netherlands Media Art Institute NIMKComment:
  • Event: Excavated Sounds: Paul DeMarinisInstitution: Otso GalleryComment:
  • OLIVEIRA, André Luiz Gonçalves de and Diana Domingues. Enactive soundscapes: towards a naturalized aesthetic Phd Thesis, UnB, Brasilia, 2013.