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  • My work is transdisciplinary and explores cultural translation, liminality, identity, and public space through a number of media, combining digital art including AI art and NFT art with video art, painting, drawing, photography, printmaking,
  • utHOPEia
    ... Virgil, which has become part of the every day (esthétique du quotidien). By fragmenting the...
  • Migrations -
    A web of relationships through the displacement of the visitor's body in the room space, apprehending the moving figures of the tapes embedded in the columns and the frozen figures of frames from the video "migrações", which are gradually enlarged
  • Keynote lecture at the 11th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 30 May - 1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway.
  • Psychic Space -
    Psychic SpaceArtist: Myron KruegerComment:
  • D-G Cabine -
    An interactive video game imprisons or ejects players or their avatars in a cabin conceived in collaboration with the designer Vincent Torjman. This piece, the high point of the exhibition “Instrument Flying Rules” lays down the physical limitations
  • Quiasma -
    A relational narrative map of the space allows us to model a space of data that is there as a network in the subsoil to be visually exposed by whoever interacts with the DVD. An open model for ideas, for the crossings of information, for the
  • Repetition and distortion drive this audiovisual collaboration between composer Lux Prima and visual artist Max Hattler, where fuzzy analogue music and geometric digital animation collide in an electronic feedback loop, and spawn arrays of
  • Subtitled Public -
    Subtitled Public consists of an empty exhibition space where visitors are detected by a computerised surveillance system. When people enter the space, the system generates a subtitle for each person and projects it onto him or her: the subtitle is