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  • Live audio-visual transformation and dematerialization of the viewer. [prototype] (source:
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to
  • Westway -
    A video installation work focusing on the mythology of violence in contemporary London. The work is both autobiographical and fictional and depicts a violent assault. The work was part of three works. (source:
  • Actuated Workbench -
    The Actuated Workbench is a device that uses magnetic forces to move objects on a table in two dimensions. It is intended for use with existing tabletop tangible interfaces, providing an additional feedback loop for computer output, and helping to
  • transBOARD -
    The transBOARD is a Tangible Bits platform which explores the use of a digitally-enhanced whiteboard as a model of a wall in the future. The transBOARD supports distributed access to physical whiteboard activity. Distributed users can monitor
  • mediaFlow -
    mediaFlow is the first project to interlink the multiple Tangible Bits platforms. mediaFlow uses Triangles to route the flow information such as activity on the transBOARD, metaDESK, or online sources to destinations like Ambient Fixtures, the
  • Time Stratum II -
    Toshio Iwai about Time Stratum II: "In this installation, I placed 120 paper human figures on a motorised spinning disk. Iset up a video monitor above them, while strobing the light down, the paper figures all burst into motion. By using a video
  • "Narcissus' Well" is an interactive multimedia installation that investigates how we are absorbed in the ephemeral, the intangible, the invisible, and the faraway - the quest for self-knowledge mediated through technology. The installation employs a
  • TI -
    C.E.B. Reas lives and works in Los Angeles. His work focuses on defining processes and translating them into visualisations. Since 2001, he has developed Processing, an open-source programming environment, with Ben Fry. Both Reas and Fry have
  • One of the most ancient parables depicting the experience of self was the legend of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a perfect pool of water. Narcissus ultimately destroyed himself in the unresolved predicament of