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  • Breath
    Human breathing is a complicated mechanism that can be influenced so that people changes their peed of breathing. Breath is a virtual space in which the spectator experiences in a cybernetic world presenting images how breath mechanism can be
  • The project “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” is based on the dichotomy between a positivistic participatory communication artwork and the awareness that communication per se can be superfluous and vain. “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” aims to challenge
  • House Fire
    Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and individually for two decades. Together the pair achieved international renown with their collaborative works The Dark Pool (1995/96) and Muriel Lake Incident (1999). House Fire is a four and
  • Installation view at The Eleventh Bienal de la Habana, Havana, Cuba, 2012. "Last Breath" is a robotic installation that stores and circulates the breath of a person forever, between a bellows and a brown paper bag. The apparatus is automatically
    Part I is a thirty-six minute audio/visual performance exploring the experience undergone at the threshold of the dissolution of the body and consciousness. Shot in High Definition video, the work is front projected onto a single screen and consists
  • Four participants enter into a small, closed off, pitch black dark room. The room houses a large architectural construction: 4, 1 x 6 meter long tunnels outfitted with a series of taught, fabric muslin screens. The rear screen is solid while the
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    Exploded_Views 2.0 by Marnix de Nijs is a masterpiece. No doubt about it. It is the most beautiful work of interactive media art I have ever seen. But its most peculiar aspect is that neither its beauty nor its meaning reside in the interactivity of
  • The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks) refers to the skin of the tree as well as to the skin of the human body, as a surface of appearance, at
  • Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966) chooses to work with the ephemeral: with wind and steam, with light and shade, with pixels and dust, with sound, noise and vibration. His work has been shortlisted for various renowned
  • Camille Baker is an artist-performer/researcher/curator within various art forms: immersive experiences, participatory performance and interactive art, mobile media art, tech fashion/soft circuits/DIY electronics, responsive interfaces and