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  • Kihm Christophe. Olga Kisseleva : signs that don’t lie. Nice , France: Musée National Marc Chagall, 2008.
  • Secardin Olivier. Même heure même endroit. Paris, France: Archibooks, 2007.
  • Djehan Kidd is an "immersive" artist & pionneer of the metaverse, she is based in France and Venice in Italy. She creates the largest and longest running futuristic city in the metaverse since 2007 as part of the mission of the cultural non profit
  • Seiko Mikami passed away of cancer in January 2015. She was an interactive media artist that has been working in the realms of information systems and human sensing. Showing large-scale installations since the 80's she used sound, robotics and
  • Fau Alexandra. Conclusive Evidence. Marseille, France: Dukan et Hourdequin, 2007.
  • Kisseleva Olga. Where Are You? artist book. Paris, France: Onestarpress Editions, 2006.
  • Sorokina Elena. DG Cabin and the hut of Baba Yaga: historical and theoretical parallel. Paris, France: ,, 2002.
  • Warren Neidich is a Berlin and Los Angeles based post-conceptual artist, theorist and writer who explores the interfaces between cultural production, brain research and cognitive capitalism. “Art Before Philosophy not After”. His interdisciplinary
  • Marguerin Mathieu. "7 envies capitales", for catalog "Art grandeur nature". Saint-Ouen, France: ,, 2004.
  • Leleu Nathalie. « Pays de Cocagne » in "Covalences". Orléans, France: CNRS, 2002.