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  • Cox has authored many papers and monologues on computer graphics, information design, education, and scientific visualization. She developed the concept of "Renaissance Teamsî in 1987 and has given over 100 invited presentations of her academic
  • Charles A. Csuri is an artist and computer graphics pioneer and Professor, at The Ohio State University. He exhibited his paintings in New York City from 1955-1965. His early work is in the collections of Walter P. Chrysler, movie actor Jose Ferrer,
  • Moya, the Artist living in his art work Performer, visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an art mediterranean, funny, baroque, generous and delightful. In Nice (big city near the sea), where he lives, he is the last part of the artistic
  • Ellen Pearlman is a New York based media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at MIT, Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT
  • Ellen Sandor is a new media artist, and Founder/Director of the collaborative artists’ group, (art)n. In 1975, she received an MFA in Sculpture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her MFA studies at SAIC led her to explore the
  • Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau are internationally renowned media artists working in the field of interactive computer installation. They are Professors at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where they head the Department for
  • Centre pour l´image contemporaine, Saint-Gervais, Genéve and l´Université Paris 8, ed. La relation comme forme. L´interactivité en Art. Dijon, France: Les Presses du Réel, 2004.
  • EDEN Echigo-Tsumari -
    As we know, all vegetal species can communicate with its environment. Instead of words they use different kinds of molecular emission. The communication can be established between trees of the same species, but it can also be addressed to a
  • Dr. Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda is an interdisciplinary media artist and cultural historian with a research focus in Latin American media art history. She is Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser
  • Jean Michel Bruyère, born 1959, lives and works in Dakar as filmmaker, director, writer, sculptor, photographer and graphic artist. He is founding and artistic director of "la fabriks" [Groupe d‘Intervention Artistique Internationale - international