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  • Desert rain -
    ... fictional and the imaginary have become increasingly entwined.’ (Adams in Blast Theory,...
  • ... Screen 2 presents the globe from outside, increasingly covered by the words, and the...
  • ... and technology, their values and meanings including gender, ethics and social aspects. She...
  • ... has been the recipient of numerous prizes including the Kaiserring Prize (2003), the...
  • ... in art institutions worldwide, including Ars Electronica in Linz, Berlin and...
  • Tutor -
    ... which they lose their reflexes and depend increasingly on electronic apparatuses. >>with...
  • ... some 36,000 kilometres out in space — an increasingly hertzian environment, where an...
  • ... per se is put to discussion and our increasingly communicative world with its often...
  • ... hidden systems in the contemporary city increasingly shape our perception and bodily...
  • ... pluriel are presented worldwide, including at: Ars Electronica Linz, CYNETart...