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  • Sprache Sehen -
    ...Computer-controlled interactive light installation Polytechnic school Bregenz (AT), extension Baumschlager/Eberle, competition, realization 1996–8 [English title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL [polytechnic school]...
  • Digital Body-Automata -
    ... and Immortal Duality (future molecular transformation). They are all designed to encourage intimate and contemplative interactive participation. on the part of the viewers and center around a similar theme; the exploration of the desire to transform...
  • ... Lopez-Gulliver is now at NICT Universal Media Research Center as Expert Researcher, his current research topics include, Interactive 3D displays for multi-user interactions, real-time 3D computer graphics and Human-Computer Interaction design.
  • Primordial Dance -
    ... and colors. It is a study of emerging and transforming mathematical equations. These effects were created using an interactive process of "artificial evolution." The artist and computer collaborate to produce images and movements that neither could...
  • ... is a pioneer of the different genres of digital art: DigitalArt, Digital Installation Art, MetaphorArt, Net Art, Web Art, Interactive Web Art, PhoneArt and Animated Music since 1987. She was interviewed by BBC Global Business News, Wirshafts Woche, CeBits...
  • ... in Porto 2001, after the installation "utHOPEia" in Salzburg (May/June 2001). Lecturing and speaking in conferences (Interactive Frictions 1999, LA; DAC 1999, Georgia Tech; DAC 2000, Bergen; CODE 2001, Cambridge, ArtSci 2002 in New York, ARCO03 in...
  • ... linked to the effects of technologies on our lives and causes an anthropological revolution through the presence of interactive systems that modify our perception of the world. In the last twenty years, daily life is moving more and more towards...
  • Open Head
    ...Open Head is Marnix de Nijs’s first interactive installation. Engine-powered the machine rotates a monitor attached to an arm of steel, which can reach a top speed of 120 km/hour. A visible image only appears on the screen when it is transformed by both the...
  • Petite Terre -
    ... how and why each one vocalises. Each behaviour is subtley different so that the mix of sounds varies widely depending on the interactive parameters. In this initial version, the creatures respond to the movements of people around the installation as seen...
  • ... been associated with the international neen movement. While at Caltech, Schkolne invented new ways to create shapes with 3d interactive computers. He developed this method of interaction into works which have been shown by the Los Angeles County Museum of...