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  • ... art and Free/Libre Open Source Software. She studied Sound and Image at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague, specializing in abstract...
  • ...Mari Amman (b. 1984) works globally creating afferent artworks. Images, installations, poetry, performance, sculpture, and artistic research...
  • ...the installation "Industrial Evolution," users can interact with historic images from the time of the Industrial Revolution. Images of...
  • ... Researcher employing computer-based technologies and moving-image associated to architectural constructions in the production of...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... museum, a large screen presents participants with live video images originating in train stations, coal mines, and steel mills....
  • Drive -
    ... warfare complexes both national and corporate, these new image systems do not so much represent movements as track them. ...
  • Tür - video
    ... increase the realism and the trompe l'oeil through the moving image. "Seeing and movement as dynamic processes that take place in...
  • Hole-in-Space -
    ... with each other. Suddenly, live, head-to-toe, life-sized, images of the people on the opposite coast appeared. Over three...
  • Crosstalk -
    ... the various elements of the work - people, machines, language, image, movement and sound - interact with one another. 'Crosstalk'...
  • Petit Mal -
    ... in these works is confined by the very existence of image material on a screen, the so called "graphical user interface"....