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  • An interactive 4 channel video installation for actors and the audience describes the life of the Missionar Jakob Friedrich Ziegler, who moved in the mid-19th Century from Dagersheim near Stuttgart to Dharwar in Karnataka, India. Chris Ziegler:
  • ... (New Zeland), Commonline Journal (The Evergreen...
  • Night of the Museums -
    Event: Night of the MuseumsInstitution: HeK Haus der elektronischen Künste BaselComment:
  • Event: Sommerer, Christa, "Cultural Interfaces combining Art and Research", Lecture at ELIA "Research: In and Through The Arts" Conference, Universität der Künste Berlin (Germany), 14.10.2005Institution: Universität der Künste Berlin UDKComment:
  • mission of art -
    Event: mission of artInstitution: Akademie der KünsteComment:
  • mission of art -
    Event: mission of artInstitution: Akademie der KünsteComment:
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • Joachim Sauter is a media artist, designer and educator. He focussed on digital technologies and how they can be used to express content, form and narration. Saute is Professor of New Media and Design at the Universität der Künste Berlin, and in
  • Reinhuber, Elke. The Urban Beautician (Die Stadtkosmetikerin). Braunschweig, Germany: HBK (Hochschule für Bildende Künste), 2010.