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  • Video: In this excerpt, Orf engages the speed and power of the aircraft, a weapon of mass destruction in the 21st century, singing: swing low, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home, evoking the extremist allure of the afterlife. (source:
  • Stolen Life -
    ... can be dependent on its owner (the...
  • ... of cultural identity and sensibility...
  • The project “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” is based on the dichotomy between a positivistic participatory communication artwork and the awareness that communication per se can be superfluous and vain. “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” aims to challenge
  • Long time no dig… Seventeen years after the first virtual tunnel: The Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995), linking the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal, and fifteen years after the Paris New Delhi Tunnel, now is
  • 4 projector slide dissolve work 2010 The work is a meditative piece that follows the 10 or more ways that come together in the cell to cause it to die and us to age; the protein debris that accumulates, the chromosome damage produced, etc. etc. The
  • ... part of its identity. At the same time,...
  • The Neighbour -
    "The neighbour, neither friend nor enemy, is the one who may not be in your "network", but is nevertheless in your world." (Sukumaran) This ambitious project is Sukumaran's first major one-person exhibition in the UK. In The Neighbour, two
  • Drake Street is a street in Rochdale. It is much like many other streets in other towns across Britain. It is also unique. Drake Street is not the main shopping street of Rochdale and is therefore not populated by shops from the major national and
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... to unveil its identity. The...