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  • Event: Golem! Avatars d'une légende d'argileInstitution: Musée d'art et d'histoire du JudaïsmeComment:
  • Italian-born Marco Donnarumma is a performer, musician and writer based in London. He explores the dimensions of the human body in relation to real, virtual and cultural spaces through performances, concerts and installations. In his works, sound,
  • Event: ELECTRONIC ARTS AND MUSIC FESTIVALInstitution: Harold Golen GalleryComment:
  • RGB VW -
    This work was conceived in relation to a particular location, a disused automobile factory in Karlsruhe. Such a space is clearly significative of industrial culture. But we are now shifting towards a more immaterial fascination - the media
  • Wagenhofer, Phillipe. David und Goliath ausgezeichnet Volksblatt (June 24th 1994).
  • Christopher Salter is a media artist, performance director and composer/sound designer based in Montreal, Canada and Berlin, Germany. His artistic and research interests revolve around the development and production of real time,
  • Stanza is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. His artworks have won prestigious painting prizes and ten first prize art awards including:- Vidalife 6.0 First Prize. SeNef Grand Prix. Videobrasil First
  • Salter, Chris and Cognition. Sponge: A Case Study in Practice-based, Collaborative Research In Proceedings for the 4th Annual ACM Conference in Creativity and Cognition, Goldsmiths College, London, edited by Proceedings for the 4th Annual ACM
  • .. His publications include Timeshift: On Video Culture, Videography: Video Media as Art and Culture, Digital Aesthetics, Simulation and Social Theory, The Cinema Effect, EcoMedia ..
  • Golsin, Mike and Jaquelyn Ford Morie. Virtopia: Emotional Experiences in Virtual Environments Leonardo 29 (1996): 95-100.