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  • Plot Against Time #3 (Insect Sonata (after Scriabin)), a single channel video, draws out the trajectories of insects in the my shady garden as they pass through beams of sunlight on a rare windless day in spring. The work's subtitle refers to early
  • Liquid Language -
    It is an experiement in fluid text. Text appears on the screen, dissolves and transforms continuously, resulting in a representation of a wandering stream of consciousness. The structure of the work revolves around the three themes : forgetting,
  • Desert rain -
    In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer Research Group of the School of Computer Science at Nottingham University, UK. The piece was one of the most complex and powerful responses to the first Gulf War
  • Day of the Figurines -
    Day of the Figurines is funded by the European Commission's IST Programme. It is part of the 'City as Theatre' workpackage of the IPerG project, a large European consortium led by Blast Theory, SICS - Swedish Institute of Computer
  • Upon the invitation of the Lindisfarne Association and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, a concert of audiovisual mathematics/music took place in the Cathedral Church on 17 October, 1992, at about eight o'clock in
  • FemCity -
    a Multi-user Computer Game for Girls --- In cooperation with Mathias Fuchs, Edeltraud-Hanappi-Egger, Gerhard Hanappi --- This Game is about careers, lifestyle, dreams and realities of young women. FemCity is a simulation of a complex social and
  • Placed in the middle of the Center for Contemporary Art, the yellow canary was given a very large and comfortable cylindrical white cage, on top of which circuit-boards, a speaker, and a microphone were located. A clear Plexiglas disc separated the
  • Objects of desire -
    shellscript on custom made computer white standard typography on black background In short intervals, a text sequence appears on the screen of a transparent object with the promising Sentence by sentence, second by second, with each new
    carpenters workshop gallery is proud to present a solo show by random international. following the success of random international's inclusion in Decode Digital Design Sensations at the Victoria & Albert Museum, this much anticipated show presents
  • Out of the dump -
    communiqué Centre des Arts Pour ce dernier volet de la saison, le centre des arts invite l’esprit prolifique de Maurice Benayoun à investir ses espaces ainsi que ceux de la Médiathèque George Sand d’Enghien-les-Bains autour de deux propositions