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  • FLOOR | PISO -
    FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time relation. The mode of agencying the FlOOR interface is very simple: you step on one of the two ends of the
  • ... science alone cannot encompass the... to examine intrinsic questions of spatial...
    Imagine an optical device with a sensory field of 8 meters to 60 centimeters. Fixed to the wall, this mirror is programmed to constantly measure and react to your distance from it. At 8 meters it will be convex, at 60 centimeters it will be concave
  • SOLAR -
    Imagine entering a machine, supplying the co-ordinates of a city and a specific moment in time and as a response you receive the direction, the intensity and the sensation of heat and light that the sun radiated in that time-space. Solar is a
  • Cantoni, Rejane and Sergio Zilinsky. Does matter really...
  • ... which observers can only perceive as... experience, which questions the credibility and...
  • Cantoni, Rejane and Maria Teresa Santoro. Künstliches Leben:...
  • ... ambiguity forges questions concerning whether...
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    ... the observer can situate herself/himself... images, with questions of translatability...
  • Quotes -
    ... aerial photo "We cannot outsource the moral... brings forward questions regarding research...