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  • Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller developed in "The Muriel Lake Incident" (1999) a miniature movie theater, in which a maximum of 3 person can have a look inside. The image and sound illussion is made perfect and has the effect that the viewer
  • musicBottles -
    musicBottles introduces a tangible interface that deploys bottles as containers and controls for digital information. The system consists of a specially designed table and three corked bottles that "contain" the sounds of the violin, the cello and
  • Romeo to Tripoli -
    Based on a hydraulic microphone and spark gap transmitter devised by Q.Majorana and G. Vanni in 1905. A stream of vitriolic acid, modulated by sound waves, controlled the flow of electricity to the transmitter and used to make the very first long
  • Video, 4 min 13 sec, color, sound An experimental documentary, part of the web project "Women of a Certain Age"
  • Zareei, Mo. Audiovisual Materialism Organised Sound 25, no. 3 (November 2020): 362-371.
  • Explosions in the Sky -
    The video is a game between pressures: the atmospheric pressure, the artificial pressure and the digital com-pressure; the result are fragments, material, picture and sound units. The bottom and the top seems fighting but, in reality, this is their
  • A mixed reality, telematic video installation, which was performed in Hong Kong and Canada, it reflects on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Visuals, movement and sound are combined into hybridized data and sent over a high high speed telematic research
  • Performance, wall piece, 6 b&w inkjet prints, 27" LCD monitor, video loop, sound, dimensions variable. On life and mortality
    1998 05:30 min, color, stereo sound. The Muisca legend tells us that Bachué (Mother of humanity) came from the water, from a lagoon called Iguaque and after giving birth to humanity, she returned there. ... The reverie produced by water and the
  • Grau, Oliver and Andreas Keil, ed. Mediale Emotionen. Zur Lenkung von Gefühlen durch Bild und Sound. Frankfurt/Main: Fischer Verlag, 2005.