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  • Event: Art Futura 2008: Souls and MachinesInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • Benayoun, Maurice. L´art soumis à la Question par la technologie. Interview par Charles de Meaux Cultures en Mouvement , no. 15 (March 1999).
  • The Living Image -
    A major Virtual Reality installation, motion tracking technology, stereoscopic projection as well as interactive sound and video create a unique immersive experience. (source:
  • SoundSlam already was a lot of fun, but it lacked the motivation to get more deeply involved. So we developed a game around the original idea: after some freefight-punching, the voice of a virtual trainer guides you through different sound themes
  • RainDance
    Streams of water, encoded with sound information, fall from specially designed modulating nozzles. When visitors position their umbrellas under the streams, the umbrellas become loudspeakers, revealing music, noises, voices and rhythms.
  • Audio-CD recordings of neighbours.
  • Destruction of the remnants of an exhibition with sound pneumatics using speakers.
  • Wavescape -
    A permanent interactive sound installation for the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport. (source:
  • Implex -
    interactive sound installation
  • in cooperation with various sound artists: Peter Szely, Christof Cargnelli, Electric Indigo --- Resembling a flaneur in an unknown city the bot moves through a "ludic 3D environment" - moved by the hand of the player - robbed of his identity which