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  • MN.A is a video installation created for the Artist Researcher Project of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Niterói, RJ, Brazil. It was addressed to the physical and conceptual characteristics of that place. It belongs to the series American
  • Machine Winks is a dance performance between a dancer and an interactive mechanical partner. After some sketches were made during the ‘Synergy’ workshop organised by The Krisztina de Châtel Dance Company, Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse
  • Visualizations for the New York Talk Exchange, a project by the Senseable City Lab at MIT for the MoMA. New York Talk Exchange illustrates the global exchange of information in real time by visualizing volumes of AT&T long distance telephone and IP
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • Machinal -
    MACHINAL is a play in nine episodes by Sophie Treadwell, first produced in 1928 and published in 1929. The setting is 1920s New York and a seaside hotel. Suggested by a notorious murder case, this expressionistic play (also produced as The Life
  • W E L C O M E T O M Y B R A I N The human brain has hitherto been considered a static organ with a fixed set of neurons that are being used up without ever being replaced again. Now research is discovering that the brain is an extremely dynamic
  • Suspension
    Contemporary spaces are dynamic combinations of the real and the virtual. They are accessed, ordered, and navigated under the conditions of various online and offline protocols. These protocols include computer formats and settings, social codes and
  • Under Fire -
    UNDER FIRE is an ongoing art and research project that explores militarization and political violence. It delves into the structural, symbolic, and affective dimensions of armed conflicts: the organization, representation, and materialization of
  • Plant guilds is an artistic study on the possibility to visualize a design principle in Permaculture: that of considering inter-relations between different families of plants. It has been realized processing such consociations with the help of a
  • Jaromil, a free software programmer, performer and emigrant, is the author and maintainer of the GNU GPL'd softwares MuSE, FreeJ and Hasciicam, which allow audio streaming and real-time video manipulation, and of the live distribution dyne:bolic