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  • ...Müller Arisona, Stefan. Interview: George Legrady, chair of the Media Arts and Technology program....
  • ...KONDITION PLURIELThe Archive of Digital Art, 03/2024Text & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones Roa“Integrating body-based performance and...
  • ... in Montreal and Vienna, formed by Marie-Claude Poulin and Martin Kusch. Since its beginnings in 2000, the collective has focused...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... bandwidth into this equation. Can You See Me Now?is part of a sequence of works (*Uncle Roy AH Around You* at the ICA in...
  • ... for what has since become known as computer-generated art and computer-aided art analysis, including graphics, film, video,...
  • Interactive Poem MUSE -
    ...“"Interactive poem" is a new type of poem that is created by a participant and a computer agent collaborating in a poetic world full of...
  • ...ANABELA COSTA 1958 b. Lisbon, Portugal. Lives in Paris. Visual Artist, studies Fine Arts at Lisbon Fine Arts University (1980) e-mail :...
  • Flack Attack -
    ... wiki, a web page allowing for open and continual modification. Articles, images and comments contributed to the wiki are discussed...
  • ... Museum in Zurich in 2005, in Neuroculture, at the Westport Art Centre, Connecticut, USA in 2006, in Brain Waves, Exit Art, New...
  • ... of 9/11. It published over nine hundreds news items, with articles in more than five languages. Beyond the distribution of free...