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  • ... a dataset of 3200 Instagram selfie photos shared in 5 global cities, and separate visualizations of these photos created...
  • Phototropy
    ...ommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Phototropy In Oltre Il Villaggio Globale: Beyond the Global Village, edited by M. G. Mattei and P....
  • ... glass craftsman’s studio. By displaying a 360-degree global video recording, made on location at the glass blowing studio, it...
  • ...Allen, Rebecca. Memory Palace In The Global Mind - Art Futura 92, edited by Algora MontxoBarcelona: 1992.
  • egoscopio 2.0 -
    ... Non-filtered, egoscopio 2.0 results in an anarchic movement of global electronic graffiti and disturbing webjaying.
  • Mapping the void -
    ... between different physical places and the mapping of the global mediascape as we know it.
  • Innovation Forum -
    ... innovations, that have affected our lives, our work and our global culture and society. It is our interest that the educational...
  • Azimuth 77 - video
    ... points in the tracking of Iridium-mobile satellites from global communication with the transporting of slugs´ DNA. Scientific...
  • ... the differences between public and private life and how the global phenomenon of cell-phone conversations-those half public,...
  • ... Monika Fleischmann. CAT - Communication, Art and Technology In Global@home: Informations- und Dienstleistungsstrukturen der Zukunft, ...