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  • ...calling attention to the beauty of life and the necessity for enlightened thinking about nature’s ‘tangled bank’.
  • ... engineering,IVF reproductive technologies and instrumentalized apparatuses denoting “unseen”characteristics, even in human actions....
  • ...Laurent. Le mouvement continué: catalogue illustré de la collection des appareils de la Cinématthèque francaise. Milano: Mazzotta, 1996.
  • ... glance at others desperately in quest of a meaning in the apparent banality of the scene. When they focus onto an element of the...
  • ... Taking an alternative stance to 'profit and power' oriented apparatuses, he is strongly engaged in building networks as a means of...
  • La Machine à idées -
    ... pliables, Warrior des jeux de rôles grandeur nature, Fox un appareil photo pour gauchers, Tarzan l'agrafeuse à boutons. Un designer...
  • ... a thinking space as a collective neuro-aesthetic work becomes apparent An important part of the four-week installation is the...
  • London Dig
    ... different visualisations at the same time. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, the imagery evolves so as to converge on a single...
  • ... as the state mingles with market interests, and a number of apparent positions are put into question, as we begin to look at what...
  • 8520 S.W. 27th Place -
    ... the pulsing small lights installed in its two heads making it appear to be contemplating its future action. They scurry about with...