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Müller, Sabine Elsa. RISING: Young Artists to keep an Eye on!. 1 th ed.Cologne: DAAB Media, 2011.
Selçuk ARTUT’s artistic research and production focus on the theoretical and practical dimensions of human-technology relations. Artut’s artworks have been exhibited at Sonar Istanbul, ISEA, AKM Istanbul, Siggraph, Dystopie Sound Art Festival
This interview was made for the exhibit „Not There“ at the Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, as part of ISEA2006 show UNCONTAINED - an official parallel exhibit to the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. "Not There" is an exhibition of artworks from the
DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. As Instalações Multimídia Como Espaços de Dados Em Sinestesia Relações Corpo/ Arquitetura/ Memória e Tecnologias. Coletânea Ccha Cultura e Saber, Caxias do Sul: EDUCS 1, no. 2 (1997): 33-51.
On view will be fifty working drawings and fragments used in the creation of the scenic design and animation for The Magic Flute, the Mozart opera given brilliant interpretation by William Kentridge in a long-awaited production this past spring
Event: Sommerer, Christa, "Emotionale Kleidung - aus der Wunderkiste praesentiert", Video presentation together with Sabine Seymour and Marga Persson at Design-Tagung 06, Ars Electronica Center, Linz (Austria), 09.09.2006Institution: Ars
Sauerlaender, Tina and Sabine Himmelsbach and Domenico Quaranta, ed. Resonanz der Realitäten - Resonant Realities. Berlin: DKB, 2021.
Event: HeK (House of electronic Arts) - Basel (Switzerland) / « Earthbound – In Dialogue with Nature » / Curator : Sabine HimmelsbachInstitution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
Lanfranco Aceti works as an academic, artist and curator and is the founder of The Studium: Lanfranco Aceti Inc. He is the founder and Director of OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research in Contemporary Art, Design, Science and Technology) and
Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Medienkunst als Wissenskunst / Medial Arts as Knowledge Arts. In Wissenkünste! Das Wissen der Kunst und die Kunst zu wissen / The Knowledge of the Arts and the Art of Knowledge, edited by Sabine Flach and