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  • ... artists, designers and musicians. Work includes Forever at the V&A, 2008, and Designing...
  • Unending Closure -
    ... will exhibit several types of behaviors, including communicating with each other via a...
  • Underscan - video
    ... Golub. Other references for this work include the post-photographic device described in...
  • Under Fire -
    ... philosophy, and science studies to incorporate recent theories of emergent...
  • ...A large scale installation which included a 20 foot screen in portrait displaying a psychiatrist under...
  • ... des collectionneurs fétichistes d’une quincaillerie hors d’age. Chaque objet se comporte donc...
  • ... its properties. The information encoded includes the gender of the actors, the dominant...
  • Tutor -
    ... which they lose their reflexes and depend increasingly on electronic apparatuses. >>with...
  • Tür - video
    ... The media as doubling machines increase the realism and the trompe l'oeil through...
  • Tryalogue
    ... video, we are capturing the process of incessant calculations which is chaotically...