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  • ... a.M. 1991-2011; artist contract with Sony Music 1996; social...
  • Solitary -
    ... they see nothing, are left in total darkness, but as soon as they...
  • SKIN - Performance -
    ... The variations of these values are an indication of...
  • SKIN - video
    ... The variations of these values are an indication of...
  • Simon Biggs -
    ... `performance' will be totally subject to the diverse and...
  • Seed/Tree - video
    ... while the program sends the values as a continuous OSC packet that...
  • ... have entered, the room sits in total darkness for a period of 3... sound, appears to expand and contract, locked in a dynamic coupling... based on a look up table of values, begins to adjust the various...
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    ... I came up with, apparently totally out of step with the implicit...
  • ... piece of art work requires an explanation. If most people do not get...
  • ... turn. We live in a digital totalisation that is eroding democratic...