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  • zgodlocator -
    ... the computer as just a storage medium. It... grit, that looks like black metal filings,...
  • 2006 "Zerstörte Welten" with works by Damien Hirst, Mark Dion, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Dieter Buchhart, Gloria Friedmann, Eduardo Kac, et al. curator: Anna-Karina Hofbauer Aarhus Center for Contemporary Art, - Aarhus, Denmark (16.9. -
  • Zero@wavefunction installation and interactivity is based on the way a nanoscientist manipulates an individual molecule (billions of times smaller than common human experience) projected on a monumental scale. When a person passes by, they cast a
  • Seeking Silicon Valley - Manifest.AR @ Zero1
  • Zero Noon
    Rafael Lozano-Hemmer "Zero Noon", 2013 computer, processing software, square HD display, electronic, metal enclosure 17 x 17 x 4" edition of 12 "Zero Noon" is a digital clock that shows the current time according to eccentric metrics: it uses
  • Zero City -
    ... The looser elevator just “throws out”... of one batch of “nothing” slowly grows. Zero...
  • Krämer, Sybille. Zentralperspektive, Kalkül, Virtuelle Realität. Sieben Thesen über die Weltbildimplikationen symbolischer Formen In Medien - Welten - Wirklichkeiten, edited by Gianni Vattimo and Wolfgang Welsch, 27-38. München: Fink Verlag,
  • ZENetic Computer is an interactive experience that evokes "self-awakening," a particular cognitive response to processing reality via subliminal consciousness. It uses stories portrayed in sumie (ink painting), haiku and kimono which display
  • Peraica, Ana, ed. Žena na raskrižju ideologija. Split: HULU, 2007.