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  • ... walked away from the screen. The viewer's lone journey from the entrance up to the surface of the screen embodied a virtual journey through a set of images that had been architectonically mapped into the installation space. This convergence of an...
  • ... two controlling handles, and a pair of loudspeakers. Looking through the opening in the column, the spectator sees a large virtual image projected into the museum space - this image is overlaid on his view of the real environment. By pushing the handles,...
  • ... deconstructs and manipulates the constituent pixels of the original images and then anamorphically reconfigures them in a virtual three-dimensional space. This digital tromp l'oeil characterises the awesome contemporary view down from space which...
  • Royal Road - video
    ... viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video monitor. In so doing he passes through a row of six virtual video monitors whose screens display the same sequence of images as the original work.
  • Musique Non Stop -
    ... Musique Non Stop. This work involved the development of state-of-the-art facial animation software in order to bring the virtual mannequins to life. This work is acknowledged for its unique aesthetic from both fine art institutions and popular...
  • Deep Contact -
    ... extension of the viewer/participant's hand. Touching the screen encourages the sprouting of phantom limbs that become virtual connections between the viewer and the image.A surveillance camera was programmed to be switched "on" when a cameraman's...
  • ...Fisher, Scott S.. Virtual Interface Environment In IEEE/AIAA 7th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, October 13–16, 1986, Fort Worth, Texas: 1986.
  • ...Fisher, Scott S. and M. McGreevy and J. Humphries and Robinett, W.. Virtual Environment Display System In ACM Workshop on 3D Interactive Graphics, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, October 23-24, Chapel Hill: 1986.
  • ...Fisher, Scott S. and M. McGreevy and J. Humphries and Robinett, W.. Virtual Workstation: A Multimodal, Stereoscopic Display Environment In Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, edited by D. P. CasasentProc. SPIE 726, Cambridge, MA: 1986.
  • Conversation -
    ... issues of spectatorship by emphasizing participatory action and two-way communication. Kac’s hybrid networks of physical and virtual spaces dislocate audiences within environments that examine how vision, touch, hearing and voice are facilitated and...