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  • Refraction
    ... of waves and the directional change they undergo when passing from one medium to another, as for instance, a light beam redirected as it moves from air into water. For this project, refraction has both literal and metaphoric relevance. Literal in that...
  • Soundcities -
    ... This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is an online database of the thousands of...
  • ... with objects on the tabletop environment. What is special about the Responsive Workbench is that it offers an interface that redirects the usual view on a small, isolating screen into a three-dimensional, discursive data space for multiple viewers. All of...
  • ... their souls are sent to Hades, where they find that they have totally lost their memory. Then they start their journey to rediscover who they are and what their relationship is. With various kinds of experiences and with the help and guidance of...
  • ... colorful pictures is a way to go beyond appearance, where the symbolic and physical frontiers need deeper investigation to rediscover the true meaning of distance and the real potential of dialogue.
  • ... Santiago, Cile), Coldfront-A vispo supplement, Rivista Risvolti (Edizioni Riccardi) and so on. Last publications: “.excursus” (Redfox Press, 2016), “Entropia del fuoco” (Eureka Edizioni, 2016, with text by Cristiano Caggiula), "Dietro le stagioni" (iQdB Ed., 2015,...
  • ... pictures is a way to go beyond appearance, where the symbolic and physical frontiers need a deeper investigation to rediscover the true meaning of distance and the real potential of dialogue. All interactive sound compositions are created by...
  • ... circumstances public space can prove to be lethal, and as a consequence 'Gemütlichkeit' might be a quality worth while being rediscovered collectively." Micz Flor, Public Netbase
  • ... is considered to occur on the gene level, then the central mind, the informational context that drives this change, might be rediscussed. We tend to consider that genetic changes have a «natural basis» and should be left on that status quo. However, none...
  • ...ustifier la position de ceux qui pensent que leur égoïsme assumé est une forme de générosité indirecte et qu’une main invisible redistribuera les richesses qu’ils auront acquises, il est temps de remettre icônes et croyances à leur place. Je propose la création d’un...