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  • ...Grau, Oliver. Archäologie des Virtuellen, Stephan Oettermann: The Panorama: History of a Mass Medium Leonardo 32, no. 2 (1999): 143-144.
  • ... broadcasts, on-line and public venues. Writings by and about the artist appear in books, print and on-line in Artweek, Leonardo: Journal for Art, Science and Technology, Artswire: interactive arts conferencing forum and on her Web site:...
  • ... His current work investigates synesthetic cinema and computational filmmaking. (source: grey.michaeljoaquin.html)
  • ...Hsin Hsin, Lin. Cyberepositories -- for Glory or Myseries? Leonardo Electronic Almanac 4, no. 12 (December 1996).
  • ...Beiguelman, Giselle. Liquid Texts Leonardo Electronic Almanac 10, no. 08 (2002).
  • ...Prophet, Jane. Sublime Ecologies and Artistic Endeavours: Artificial Life, Interactivity and the Internet Leonardo 29, no. 5 (1996): 339-344.
  • ...Rejane Cantoni and Leonardo Crescenti based in São Paulo, have worked together as an artist duo since 2005. They have held numerous exhibitions in art institutions worldwide, including Ars Electronica in Linz, Berlin and México City, The Creators Project in New York...
  • ... Netherlands Architecture Institute and the Art Institute of Chicago. His writing has been published in Kunstforum (Germany), Leonardo (USA), Performance Research (UK), Telepolis (Germany), Movimiento Actual (Mexico), Archis (Netherlands), Aztlán (USA) and...
  • ...Prophet, Jane. TechnoSphere: "Real" Time "Artificial" Life Leonardo 34, no. 4 (August 2001): 309-312.
  • ... through university students and founded the world's first Internet-based school, the ISIS Editorial School. (