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  • ... a wide range of Internet projects, including "The Shredder" (1998), an alternative...
  • ... image. Her interactive installations include "Time Jitters," commissioned by the Halsey...
  • ... of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP). Her work include interventions in public spaces, networked...
  • ... Eckermann works with various media including digital and physical environments,...
  • ... a multitalented creator whose works also include the creation of characters and computer...
  • ... work entitled Genesis (1999), which included an "artist's gene" he invented, and then...
  • ... Institute for Networked Culture, and is included in the Oxford Handbook of Virtuality.
  • ... of collision with the world. His work includes algorithmically-generated installation...
  • ... interactive installations and artworks, including 'Bubbles' (in collaboration with K....
  • ... Exhibitions and festivals since 1994, including: 2004 Marl Media Art Awards;...