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  • ...This piece was created as an interactive 'virtual gallery' in which the user can explore a computer rendition of the gallery in which the computer is housed. It is also possible to depart this space and enter into a number of fantasy spaces, arriving ultimately at...
  • ... weapon systems. Users move freely within the exhibition space wearing HoloLens data goggles. Within a site-specific virtual architecture,digital holographic scenarios unfold amidst the real environment. The main element is the series of eight...
  • ... Movements, 2017). Composed of landscape 3d digital simulation and digitally processed video recordings, the video shows a virtual journey through an imaginary underwater landscape. Landscape segments are reminiscent of Berlot's previously realized works...
  • ... Video, and others. Currently, he is developing a series of sculptures, Istoria, which explore the intersection of the virtual and physical worlds, created with a variety of computer controlled processes, and several interactive environments that...
  • ... Sue AND Timmons Hawksley and Mark Wright. The "H" in HCI: Enhancing Perception of Interaction through the Performative In Virtual and Mixed Reality, edited by R. ShumakerVol.LNCS 5622. , 3-12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 2009.
  • ...Watz is an artist based in New York and Oslo. He works extensively with generative design and code to explore the creative outputs of virtual spaces defined by rule-based systems and visual abstraction through generative systems. In 2005 Watz founded Generator.x, a...
  • ... PhD within the European network TACK at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Her work specializes in embodied and multisensory virtuality, exploring the intersection of architecture, scenography and extended reality (xR). Her performative xR installations have...
  • ... the body, and our sensitivity can live in a new cognitive space as an extension of our sensory space. We have displacents in virtual worlds generating "interval zones" between the body and the technologies, by mixing artificial and biological signals....
  • ... Multimodal and Immersive Interaction with the Internet In VSMM2002. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, , 753-764. Gyeongju: VSMM 2002, 2002.
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... project our selves, and play complicated identity survival games. Initially, the participant is invited to construct a virtual body out of predefined body-parts, textures, and sounds, and gain membership to the larger body-owner community. The main...