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  • ... and samplers. The evening was officially documented on video by Tom Bartolac and Tommy Blatnik. of Acevedo’s retrospective exhibition at Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, he organized and presented a Special Evening of EVM: Electronic...
  • ... for Karlsruhe, it traces the development from paper images to video images and interactive images. (Content: Nake (now resident in Bremen), who was a member of the Stuttgart group led by Max Bense. He displayed his first algorithmically...
  • ... Who is talking about it? And How is it talked about? The video interview may be accessed here:... Internacional de la Imagen 2014. Badani was commissioned artwork for a new media solo exhibition, and during this interview she...
  • ... this way I develop site-specific installations with objects, videos or photographic images of common objects, which might be... placed somewhere, soon to be forgotten. In the obscurity of arterial roads and shaggy groves characters of bronze or stone wait to...
  • ...Cilleruelo, Lourdes. Videoculturas, y ciber-culturas: profanando la pantalla, nuestra mente y nuestros cuerpos In Lo Tecnológico en el arte: de... nuestra mente y nuestros cuerpos In Lo Tecnológico en el arte: de la cultura vídeo a la cultura ciborg, edited by ., 29....
  • ... elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of... in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances...
  • ... sharing, and hybriding: Text_version, 2011 HD single channel video, 05min 31sec stereo 16:9 black/white Written by Marcello Mercado...
  • ... of the more 'usual' digital art practices including coding, video and sound production. The majority of my work is realised in the... "My artistic practice is characterised by an in depth engagement with process, scientific methodologies and the nature of experiment. Here...
  • ... research, travels, context-specific events and documentary video, having as final result a vast web-based archive of video on... local and international interdisciplinary specialists in the arts, sciences and humanities, participated in discussing the concept...
  • Exodus
    ... images remain, along with other projects like "The Spiral," a video installation which examines historical communication methods.... and brainchild of Michael Bielicky, a Czech-German New Media artist determined to replicate the biblical trail of the prophet...