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  • enter the project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results. Please adjust your Java Security Settings for Whitney Museum Artport in order to launch the Programme.Commissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • Elastic Fax 2 -
    Artists around the world were invited through the Internet to transmit sequential images, to form by chance the sequences of a self-organizing fax movie. The fax machine was placed above eye level, to create the feeling of a large projector as the
  • Caterina Davinio is an Italian computer artist, writer, and curator. Born in Foggia in 1957, she was raised in Rome and received her degree in Italian Literature at Rome University La Sapienza, where she studied with Giulio Carlo Agan, Alberto Asor
  • Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or
  • enter project here:artport.whitney.orgScroll down to the bottom of the code to launch its results.Please adjust your Java Security Settings in order to launch the programmeCommissioned by the Whitney Museum.
  • Doutoranda em Artes Visuais PPGAV/UFRGS. Mestre em Artes Visuais com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia PPGART/UFSM. Em 2014, publicou o livro "O 'curto-circuito' da arte digital no Brasil" e organizou o e-book de entrevistas "Arte-ciência-tecnologia: o
  • Bots -
    Copyrighted memes live in our minds, influence our thoughts, even shape our decisions. We are hosts for these memes, yet we have no say in their design, nor do we have the legal right to alter them. Like sacred icons they are controlled by corporate