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  • Aurora di Venere -
    "Aurora di Venere" is a performance for theatre where a group of dancers interact with digital entities projected on two screens located at the background and at the front (semi-transparent) of the theatre's stand. The dancers play with the
  • Transcendence Index -
    The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order to calculate the index of their transcendence; – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a
  • Vid-A-Feeba -
    Vid-A-Feeba is a play with a chaotic process applied to the generation of artistic images and sounds. The images follow the iterated evolution typical of chaotic systems showing quick change in the visual patterns depending on the bifurcation
  • Stanze -
    "Stanze" is composed by a video-camera and a back-projected screen located in a void room. The camera is located at the top center of the screen. The observer has freedom to move around the room and several observers can interact with the artwork.
  • "Tao-interazione" is based on the dynamical interaction between the observer and a multivision system, in which counteracting couples of images and musical compositions are presented. The observer-listener could navigate by walking on the
  • Patrícia Gouveia is an artist, designer, scholar, and curator with more than twenty years of research experience in arts, design, gaming, and interaction. She has been working in Interactive Arts and Design since the 1990s. Her research focuses on
  • Roc Parés Burguès (Mexico, 1968. Lives and works in Catalonia since 1983). Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive Communication and Media Arts:
  • Plancton Art Studio. Relazioni Emergenti: Experiments with Art of Emergence Leonardo 35, no. 2 (April 2002): 147-152.
  • During Imagina '93 computer graphics installations in Monte Carlo and in Karlsruhe were connected by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space.
  • In my work I want to describe worlds that only exists in my mind, I want to explore this worlds created by the inner mind, they are mainly landscapes of lonely places, where I am the only person in the work, the person that sees them, the observer.