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  • Moore, Lila. Techno-Spiritual Horizons: Compassionate Networked Art Forms and Noetic Fields of Cyborg Body and Consciousness Technoetic Arts: A Journal of Speculative Research 15, no. 3 (December 2017): 325-339.
  • Everitt, Dave. Is Creativity a ‘natural’ process? Consciousness Reframed: art and consciousness in the post-biological era (December 2011).
  • Everitt, Dave and Alec Robertson. Emergence and complexity: Some observations and reflections on transdisciplinary research involving performative contexts and new media International Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media , no.
  • WRO2000@kultura -
    WRO2000@kultura is a large media art exhibition to be held from November 20th to - December 10th in Wroclaw/Poland. It's key component, the Mediation/Medialization Congress, will take place from November 29th to December 3rd, 2000. The special
  • "Fusion02"
    Event on December 6, 2002 hosted by the Bauhaus-University/Weimar and the University of California/Los Angeles (UCLA,) with online participants from Australia, the USA, France, Belgium and Germany.
  • Windows -
    Windows, Musee National Marc Chagall, Nice, France, December 1, 2007– February 28, 2008
  • Genial & Geheim -
    2012 Genial & Geheim, (9th August.2012 til 30th December 2012) Heinz Nixdorf Forum Curator: Viehoff, Jochen - Paderborn, Germany
  • Parallel Universe -
    2011 Wood Street Galleries"Parallel Universe" September 30th - December 31st, 2011 Lawrence Malstaf, Arnold Dreyblatt, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer - Pittsburgh, USA
  • The leading theme of the WRO 01 Biennale, SCREENS expresses the character of the media art's present state. On one hand it seems appealed by fast development of cognitive horisons and expression of new communication spaces, and on the other
  • The 121212 UpStage Festival of Cyberformance took place 5-12 December 2012 and consisted of two parts: - “Walking backwards into the future” – remounted cyberformances from the past 5 festivals (5-11 December) - “Testing – 1 2, 1 2, 1 2” – new