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  • Sommerer, Christa and Gerald Bast and Wolfgang Fiel. Solar Display: A Self-powered Media Facade In New Realities: Being Syncretic, Consciousness Reframed: The Planetary Collegium’s IXth International Research Conference, edited by Roy
  • ... HOUSE: TEAM MONTEAL ENTRY TO THE SOLAR DECATHLON. Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press,...
  • 2013 Laboratorio Arte Alameda (18th-21st July 2013) "Solar Insects" Workshop by Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer - Mexico City, Mexico
  • Event: Solar Insects Workshop by Laurent Mignonneau & Christa SommererInstitution: Internationale Akademie TraunkirchenComment:
  • The Messive -
    Tapestry weaving on a base of binary code, gives an essential knowledge about our solar system, DNA, first 7 days of creation of Bible as a message for our descendants.
  • Burbano, Andres. Bazo, Danny, Kiratli, Solen, Forbes, Angus. The New Dunites ACM Multimedia Proceedings 1, no. 1502 (2011): 3.
  • Burbano, Andres. Bazo, Danny, Kiratli, Solen, Forbes, Angus. The New Dunites ACM Multimedia Proceedings 1, no. 1502 (2011): 3.
  • Burbano, Andres. Bazo, Danny, Kiratli, Solen, Forbes, Angus. The New Dunites ACM Multimedia Proceedings 1, no. 20 (November 2012): 1500-1502.
  • Burbano, Andres. Bazo, Danny, Kiratli, Solen, Forbes, Angus. The New Dunites ACM Multimedia Proceedings 1, no. 20 (November 2012): 1500-1502.
  • Burbano, Andres. Bazo, Danny, Kiratli, Solen, Forbes, Angus. The New Dunites ACM Multimedia Proceedings 1, no. 20 (November 2012): 1500-1502.