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  • Wittwer, Samuel and Mark Gisbourne, ed. B.A.R.O.C.K. Artistic interventions in the Caputh Palace. Editor: Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg. Vol.1. -, - th
  • Wittwer, Samuel and Mark Gisbourne, ed. B.A.R.O.C.K. Artistic interventions in the Caputh Palace. Editor: Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg. Vol.1. -, - th
  • "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System". String, hanging from the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its shadows. The camera
  • Interfaces -
    "Interfaces" was a live exchange conceived and organized by Eduardo Kac which took place on December 10, 1990, between a group of artists in Chicago and another group in the Center For Creative Inquiry, at the Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
  • House -
    “House” by Stanza, is a dynamic public sculpture viewable over the internet. House is not a mute memorial to a related past but a live embodiment of change and renewal. House describes the space, a real Victorian terraced house, in this case, that
  • "Perceptive Dislocations" was a performative event at the Goethe-Institute Island in Second Life. Cyberspace: The Final Frontier. Since 1994 with the advent of the World Wide Web, online virtual 3D worlds promised us endless freedom to be and do
  • Most people cannot reconstruct smells from memory (it’s rather hard to mentally “picture” a familiar smell, although someone’s face would be pretty easy to visualize). When we try to recall the smell of mint, we end up recalling how mint looks. We
  • Garden Library -
    In this collaboration with Israeli artist Romy Achituv, I implemented a data visualization of the books in the Garden Library for Refugees and Migrant Workers in South Tel-Aviv. This is an open?air library located in a public park, established to
  • Walk Münster -
    Walk Münster, Park I Location: Münster inner city The artist has created for the exhibition visitor an individual Walkman-tour through the inner city of Münster, wherein she draws from the didactic form of guided audio tours. Instead of a
  • NETZSPANNUNG.ORG : MEDIA ART ARCHIVE PLATFORM 1997- 2001 / 2012 is an online archive platform for the collection and promotion of media art. Beyond the archive, programs such as streaming tele-lectures by media scholars, media art