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  • Making of Eve Clone I -
    In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • The projection environment of PLACE consists of a cylindrical projection screen and a rotating platform in the center that carries a wide-angle three-projector system fed by an SGI-Onyx computer. The distortion caused by the projection onto the
  • JND is a new series of multimedia installations that explores the concept of just noticeable difference. The first project, Semblance, is an interactive installation exploring the phenomenon of cross modal perception - the ways in which one sense
  • D/eu/s -
    When viewers logged on they first saw a black screen. Then, a small white rectangle appeared in the middle of the screen. Slowly, vertical bars descended inside the horizontal rectangle. At the bottom, viewers saw apparently random letters and
  • Quasar 2.0: Star Incubator (Q2:SI) is an immersive interactive light and sound installation. Providing a spatial reflection of renewing and evolving life-cycles, the Q2:SI body is conceived of an array of structural prototype elements, electronic
  • What is the condition of the art object in the age of networking and telematics? The piece entitled Dialogical Drawing, 1994, by Eduardo Kac, addresses this question by presenting two identical objects simultaneously at two distinct exhibition
  • Boulder I
    Boulder I is a rock that sits upright on a cushion. Walking around the object, the viewer notices that the object had a hole on one side and is actually hollow. On display is therefore not a stone but a stone surface. Given that the eye can only
  • In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • The interdisciplinary artist MOON a.k.a. Martina Zelenika is visionary artist with a unique artistic expression. Artsist MOON combines the must up-to-date digital technology along with an analogue one to embody spiritual dimension of cosmology and
  • Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities. Part of the Mechanics of Emotions