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  • Recollections I-IV -
    Recollections IV is an interactive video installation that invites the participant to move in front of a large video projection screen. As the person moves, his or her image is recorded by a video camera and passed on to a computer with special image...
  • Computer Pieces 1981 -
    Digital video
    20 mins, colour, silent

    A set of abstract computer animations based on recombinant geometries. (source:
  • Kim Asendorf is a conceptual artist and works in a large area of media and digital related art. He loves to transport things from the Internet into real life and back. Kim did several net art projects, often based on data taken from the Internet or...
  • Inspired both by constructivist avant-gardes and cognitive psychology, Garcia uses shape to test the senses and push the boundaries of visual assumptions. His work looks past the idea of shape as a function and instead explores its endless...
  • During the initial years of the development of my work, especially in series such as Parallel, Monochromatic, Conscious/ Unconscious and Technical Recreation I emphasized questions and scenarios based on memory, the relation between conscious and...
  • Chris O’Shea is an artist and experience designer. He creates installations that playfully challenge our perception of spaces and objects. He has been commissioned by BBC Big Screen, Design Museum and Science Gallery, Dublin, and has collaborated...
  • I am an Australian Artist and Transdisciplinary Integration Expert Working Across Academia, Cultural and Private Sectors. Focussed on Augmentation Aesthetics, Bio-Digital Entanglement & Interactivity, Food Futures & Sustainability. I currently...
  • Duguet, Anne-Marie. Vidéo, la mémoire au poing. Paris: Hachette litterature generale, 1981.
  • Legrady, George. Artificial Intelligence Parachute (1981).
  • Weibel, Peter. Biotechnologie und Kunst In Technik und Gesellschaft: Symposium der Technischen Universita?t Wien, 24.-30. 8. 1980, Lech am Arlberg, edited by Manfred Schmutzer and Technische Universita?t Wien and Interdisziplina?res...