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  • Banz & Bowinkel, Ivana Bašić, Paul Chan, Frauke Dannert, Harun Farocki, Olga Fedorova, Johann Kniep, Marc Lee, Manuel Roßner, Gerriet K. Sharma, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Addie Wagenknecht In autumn 2018, the Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien will
  • Lisa Cianci. Applications of energy: a study of artists and entropy in the material In The Materiality of the Archive: Creative Practice in Context, edited by S. Breakell and W. Russell, 122-142. : Routledge, 2023.
  • Cylinder & Bots -
    Within their artistic work Giulia Bowinkel (*1983) and Friedemann Banz (*1980) explore the human perception of the digitally augmented real world. Within their generated scenarios, the computer functions both as tool and topic. The solo exhibition
  • (co-production with Cactusbloem, Antwerp, and PVC Theatre, Novi Sad)
  • Christa and Laurent Corona Diary © 2020, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau developed for the Pushkin Museum, 2020 This movie was produced for the Pushkin Museum project "100 Ways to live a Minute". It shows the artists Christa Sommerer & Laurent
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    "Sensing Speaking Space", is an interactive installation that focuses on the notion of the "intelligent space", a space that knows you are there and reacts to the presence and movements of multiple spectators sensed through a custom camera tracking
  • Boids
    In 1986 Craig W. Reynolds made a computer model of coordinated animal motion such as bird flocks and fish schools. It was based on three dimensional computational geometry of the sort normally used in computer animation or computer aided design. The
  • PainStation -
    PainStation comprises a box structure housing a horizontal screen over which the two players face each other. The software is based on Pong, an early computer game. Players use their right hands to control a bat on screen, and must keep their left
  • Lisa Cianci (A.K.A Blackaeonium) is an artist, archivist, and digital media developer from Melbourne, Australia. She makes art in both analogue and digital formats, with her current focus on real-time, code-driven animations, digital video, and
  • Plasm: Yer Mug -
    A 50's themed diner provides the setting for an interactive encounter with disturbing denizens in the virtual mirror across the counter. On-screen breakfast reassembles itself into characters who react to the customers' every move.