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  • TellTale -
    TellTale is a story construction kit for children. Its goal is to help youngsters create and experiment with the structure and content of oral language in way similar to how written text is composed. The design consists of a number of modular body
  • SimTunes -
    SimTunes is one of those wonderful programs that grows with the user. In essence, it is a paint program that doubles as a musical composition program--or vice versa. The user begins with a blank screen, or canvas and a variety of tools, paints, and
  • SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain Two neon signs are superimposed one upon the other. One in green says "Resistance is Fertile", while another one in red says "Resis tance is Futile". When one sign is lit, the other statement is quiescent.
  • Partner: Dmitry Gelfand Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEED An algorithm is a distinct method of instructions for calculating and solving a problem or a set of problems. It consists of a number of well-defined individual steps and can, for instance, be implemented to execute a
  • The essential component of wavy flow is the vortex. In isolation, a single vortex simply influences its surroundings to orbit around itself at a speed proportional to the inverse square of the distance to the vortex's axis. When a large number of
  • During the transmission from Chicxulub two minutes of silence occurred in which the image and sound were interrupted. Wojtek insisted that this problem was the result of one of the television cameras which had overheated, thus interfering with the
  • Partner: Evelina Domnitch Camera Lucida creates a fleeting ephemeral materiality by intersecting ultrasound with hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the
  • Duke Performances, Durham, 2018 - world premiere A bold new opera developed at Duke University that uses the high-drama framework of opera and advanced technology to explore ideas of apocalypse, renewal, and survival in the modern age. During each
  • As far as the creases -
    Here, a human organ constitutes the landscape: a brain is covered in a fine film of aquatic algae. The alga deposits itself by taking its time and continues to grow at its own rhythm. I provide regular modest help: I change the water twice a