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  • ADA consists in a device that captures sounds and images from every day activities of Itaú Cultural Center processes this data and give it back to the street. The most visible interface of ADA is a conic white construction that is integrated in the
  • Playhouse
    Janet Cardiff’s Playhouse [1997], a collaborative installation with George Bures Miller was first exhibited at the Barbara Weiss Gallery in Berlin. Playhouse combines sculpture, sound, video and performance in a fusion that experiments with
  • Drive -
    Drive is a video installation that combines traditional cinematic technology with new digital and military-based imaging systems. These include new tracking, identifying, and targeting technologies. Combining old and new, analog and network,
  • Using pure data as a source for sound and visuals, datamatics combines abstract and mimetic presentations of matter, time and space in a powerful and breathtakingly accomplished work. datamatics is the second audiovisual concert in Ryoji Ikeda's
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    Exploded_Views 2.0 by Marnix de Nijs is a masterpiece. No doubt about it. It is the most beautiful work of interactive media art I have ever seen. But its most peculiar aspect is that neither its beauty nor its meaning reside in the interactivity of
  • NETZSPANNUNG.ORG : MEDIA ART ARCHIVE PLATFORM 1997- 2001 / 2012 is an online archive platform for the collection and promotion of media art. Beyond the archive, programs such as streaming tele-lectures by media scholars, media art
  • Sophie Taeuber-Arp's Vanishing Lines Myriam Thyes, 2015, animation, HD video, 10:10, loop, stereo. Sound: Silvia Pachler. In what is, prima facie, a mesh of abstract lines, no few of the works that Sophie Taeuber-Arp completed between 1940 and 1942
  • For this project the authors created both an interactive application and a linear three-screen video re-enactment of the “Capping Ceremony of a Minor Official’s Son,” from the ancient Chinese Book of Li. The Book of Li (Etiquette and Ceremonial) is
  • This work associates Virtual Reality with Multimedia through a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed for a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. Up to seven participants can interact with the application.
  • SP3X -
    SP3X is a new type of three-dimensional interface for creating, modifying, and navigating volumetric data. It combines the intuitive and improvisational strengths of tangible interfaces with the visualization power of mixed reality. Users can create